May 1st 2019 at the Pastoral Centre Mombasa was the day when over 250 new Catholic Men (CMA) were Commissioned by Archbishop

Martin Kivuva Musonde who was the main celebrant in a Ceremony that was attended by Monsignor Ruwa, The archdiocesan CMA  chaplain Fr. Harrison Yaa, 
Lay Apostolate Coordinator Sr. Theopista Ari, priests and all deaneries including their Chaplains, Sisters and brothers from most congregations in the Catholic Archdiocese of Mombasa. 

In his sermon, the archbishop urged men to take their active role in the family which is the pillar on which our society is built. He challenged men to be good role models of their children since its from what they do that the children emulate in life, adding that keen interest should also be taken to listen to their children, spend time with them and get involved in their spiritual development. He reminded men to emulate the Holy family of their patron Saint Joseph - to be one Big family in the Lord.

He thanked the men for the active role they have played for 10 years now, in working together with other faithful in the church and entire leadership for making our parishes shine.

This event also marked the celebration of 10 years of existence of CMA with a fundraising that raised over 2 Million shillings for the Archdiocesan harambee marking a new milestone.

Congratulations to the newly commissioned CMA men and CMA association for attaining 10 years of great pastoral work